E-CAMPUS: ENAC's online educational platform
E-Campus is our e-learning and digital resources platform. There you will find class areas containing digital resources (files, videos, links, etc.) and activities (such as forums, tests, wikis, etc.).
Accessing the E-Campus
On the E-Campus home page /// clicking on "Connexion" at the top right.
You can access some open content on the E-Campus as a registered user or guest.
In the event of a problem or for any request for information, don't hesitate to contact us ///
The MOOC: a new educational platform open to all
A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is online training open to all, free access and without any prerequisites required. The participants in lessons, teachers and pupils, are spread out geographically and communicate only via the Internet. The main media used for ENAC MOOC are educational videos, online lesson supports, quizzes and interactive activities.
In 2016, ENAC launched its first MOOC "Which plane for which mission?" /// on FUN - "France Université Numérique"