The TRAVEL Chair

Chaire de recherche Travel

Objectives of the TRAVEL Chair

  • To gain a better understanding of structural changes in passenger demand, in particular by studying the choice of modes of transport and intermodality (partnership/competition between modes of transport)
  • Study the conditions under which technical progress and various operational innovations could meet new expectations, particularly in terms of the sustainability of the sector.


  • Produce and analyse quantitative data to provide a better understanding of changes in passenger demand
  • Produce economic models to quantify and analyse the mechanisms at work in the development of demand in the transport market
  • To use the results of its research to produce directly operational elements for the definition of strategies by air transport players and decision-makers
  • Disseminate the results of its work to all players and decision-makers in the sector, in particular through publications and scientific events.

This Chair adopts a unique multidisciplinary scientific approach, based on expertise in economics and economics applied to air transport.

The Chair is operated by the "Fondation ENAC". For more informations:

More informations on the Chair :

 Chaire website

Présentation de l'ENAC



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