
The recollection of various security-related events that have occurred over the previous decades reminds us that air transport is a prime target for those planning malevolent or terrorist acts. The security of civil aviation therefore presents a major challenge. Yet it cannot be constructed or implemented in an isolated way. Its effectiveness is not the result of actions from the State alone nor the simple application of legislation, rather it is a shared commitment between all stakeholders concerned: airport operators, airlines, security companies, freight and post professionals, passengers, equipment manufacturers - each in their respective roles, with their own culture and mode of operation.

As part of its training remit for aeronautical staff in the wider sense, ENAC organizes courses for persons concerned by airport security. For some years now, combating acts of air terrorism has become one of the major priorities of international aeronautical authorities.

Against this background and to address the increasing technicality of air transport security, ENAC has surrounded itself with a team of professionals.  It has therefore obtained over the last few years a national and international reputation in this field.

Security : a shared concern

Do you feel involved in security and wish to work in this area?
We offer qualification and certification courses to become an air transport security manager, instructor or assessor.

AVSEC center

Civil aviation security is a continually changing area which must constantly adapt to the threat terrorist groups pose to the industry. Aviation’s economic importance and high symbolic value make it a particularly attractive target.


Sûreté ENAC
Responsable sûreté

Présentation de l'ENAC



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