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Social responsibility

ENAC's sustainable development strategy is based on commitments from the French Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy, the French Ministry for Public Administration, the French Ministry for Women's Rights and the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research. It comprises two areas: Diversity and the Environment and four national themes: social openness, disability, equality between women and men and the environment.

Discover the 4 elements of ENAC’s social action:

Social open-mindedness ///

Disability ///

Equality between women and men ///

The environment ///

Social openness

In educational action

ENAC seeks to serve a variety of communities and open up its courses to deserving students from modest backgrounds.

Course diversification:

  • Opening of ATPL foundation course, recruitment on social and merit criteria.
  • Opening of ENAC engineering course via apprenticeship in Montpellier, in partnership with Languedoc-Roussillon region.
  • Opening of TAE course via apprenticeship and professional training contract with Massy CFA

Actions for students from underpriviledged environments

Cordées de la réussite (Equal opportunity educational access group)

Since 2011, approximately 50 students per year have been involved in weekly tutoring of school and college students from modest backgrounds: passing on a taste for learning, stimulating curiosity and opening up outlooks on higher education; an enriching experience for our students.

Promotion of aeronautical culture among young people

Awareness raising actions on BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique – Aeronautical Initiation Qualification) with school and college students.
Implementation of "BIA mentoring" for young people from less priviledged environments, combined with evening classes.

In ENAC policy

Consideration of social and environmental clauses in procurement contracts: weighting of social criteria in hiring staff.


In educational action

ENAC supervises a disability group within Grandes Ecoles Conference (CGE):  "Hansemble" program

It aims to support young people who are disabled based on the Cordées model. The task of the tutor-students is to make young disabled people aware of their assets, allowing them to develop transferable skills, which will be useful to them both in terms of continuing their studies and their daily life.

This program also allows ENAC students to benefit from a rich human experience and to change their perspective on disability.

"Sesame Autisme" program

The program aims to create links between students from ENAC and young autists. It aims to help break isolation by offering cultural and educational recreational activities promoting personal development and exchanges.

The program is evaluated every two months by project leaders and ENAC President of Sesame Autisme.

Furthermore, an annual statement showing the educational benefits of each session is produced.

In the institutional structure

Signature of framework agreement - In 2012, an agreement was signed with FIPHFP (Insertion Fund for Disabled People in Public Administration). It is a three-year agreement which defines the school’s policy in terms of disability for its staff, notably for recruitment and long-term employment for the disabled.

ENAC strategy includes:

  •  Disabled worker recruitment actions, training actions for disabled staff in order to allow for professional development, employment retention actions which are translated into workplace assessments and adjustment or specific equipment
  •  Awareness raising actions for students and employees: organization of a sports / disabled sports day. The idea was to offer everyone the opportunity to play a disabled sport
  •  Training actions for all staff with the aim of better welcoming and greater awareness raising in terms of the disability issue
  •  Recruitment of trainee student officials with recognition of the disabled worker
  •  Procurement policy directed towards the protected sector with, in particular, a green space maintenance contract concluded with an ESAT (disabled work assistance service)
  •  Upgraded accessibility policy for all premises

Equality between women and men

We are committed to promoting equality between women and men. Mutual respect for genders, combating stereotypes and opening up the aeronautical professions to women are at the heart of our actions.

In educational action

  • Commitment for greater diversity in training sectors
  • Integration of equality theme into education provided, educational actions and educational supports
  • Measures to verify non-discriminatory nature of recruitment process during competitive examinations, in judging panel, etc
  • Principle of alternating chairmanship for recruitment, professional examination and selection panels

In the institutional structure

  • Signature of Charter for equality between women and men, girls and boys. Organization of cultural events around topic
  • Values rooted in our institutional policy, in our day-to-day operation, but also in our culture
  • Organizing of a professional forum specifically directed towards professions from a female viewpoint
  • Social dialogue, a structuring element leading to professional equality
  • Nomination of "Equality" e-advisor


Environmental and Societal Transition
Patricia Aublet

Présentation de l'ENAC



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