fbpx Découvrez le stage "Commercial Air Transport Safety Investigation", une collaboration BEA-ENAC | ENAC

Découvrez le stage "Commercial Air Transport Safety Investigation", une collaboration BEA-ENAC

Publié le 15 February 2023

Training course "Commercial Air Transport Safety Investigation"

Initially dedicated to BEA safety investigators, this course is intended for safety investigators with prior experience of aviation safety investigations as well as for aviation professionals aiming at participating to safety investigations. Sharing of information and exchange between participants are the added benefit of a diversified attendance.

The training is delivered by highly experienced, active BEA safety investigators. The case studies based on up to date practices and hands-on experiences. The use of “Blended Learning” (classroom session enriched by e-learning) to increase learning effectiveness and engagement. After completing this training course, you will be able to manage or to contribute to safety investigations into commercial air transport occurrences.

Dates : 20/11/2023 – 01/12/2023

Information: training@enac.fr Tél. + 33 5 62 17 47 67 / + 33 5 62 17 43 43
Registration: http:/training.enac.fr
Contact (BEA) International Affairs: Philippe Plantin de Hugues - pph@bea.aero +33 6 23 75 03 71
Course Director (BEA): Sébastien David - seb@bea.aero +33 6 15 89 18 72

To consult the flyer, click here!


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