Advanced Master®

Advanced Master - Mastère Spécialisé

The Advanced Master (Mastère Spécialisé®) quality label is a trademark of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. ENAC's Advanced Master programmes are accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE). We offer a full range of professionally-oriented Advanced Master programmes, with strong international recognition, delivered entirely in English (with the exception of the MS in IT Security).  


Apply now for 2024 intake !

These 1-year courses are aimed at both students to acquire a dual skill and professionals to complement and enrich their experience.

ENAC offers a range of courses covering many areas of air transport expertise.

In France


The Mastère Spécialisé® is designed for senior executives, managers and operational directors wishing to develop their expertise in the field of flight operations.
The teaching methods offered as part of this course can be adapted to suit your professional schedule, so that you can continue working alongside your course.​​​​​​


In accordance with the Internal Rules of the CGE, applications are accepted from students who hold one of the following diplomas:

  • Engineering degree accredited by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur (CTI list)
  • Diploma from a management school accredited to award the national grade of Master (CEFDG list)
  • Post-graduate diploma accredited by the university authorities (DEA, DESS, Master's, etc.) or professional diploma (BAC +5)
  • M1 diploma or equivalent, for students with at least three years' professional experience.
  • Title registered with the RNCP level 7 (former level I nomenclature)
  • Foreign diploma equivalent to the French diplomas required above

English level

  • CECRL : B2
  • TOEIC : 785
  • IELTS : 5,5
  • Or equivalent

Candidates who do not meet these conditions but who can provide proof of 10 years' significant professional experience can access these programmes via the Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels - VAPP (please consult us).
Some programmes are also open to VAE - Validation des Acquis et de l'Expérience (please click).

Tuition Fees

For the whole Advanced Master® programme

2024-2025 Advanced Masters® Tuition fees
  EU Citizen Non-UE Citizen Public Organization
or Company
  Normal   Early Bird Normal Fee Reduce Rate
(I.T or J.S)
Early Bird Reduce Rate Normal    Early Bird Normal Fee
MS SMA 14 060€ 12 650€ 8 230€ 7 410€ 14 060€ 12 650€ Fares on request
MS MTA 14 060€ 12 650€ 8 230€ 7 410€ 14 060€ 12 650€
MS AM 14 060€ 12 650€ 8 230€ 7 410€ 14 060€ 12 650€
MS ASAA 14 500€   12 000€   17 000€   23 000€
MS APM 17 000€   13 500€   19 000€   23 000€
MS ALM 19 700€       19 700€    

I.T.: Initial training
J.S.: Jobseeker
Early Bird price: registration until April 17th 2024

Admission Jury Calendar

  Application deadline Admission decision date Deadline payment deposit
1st session November 29th 2023 December 21st 2023 December 29th 2024
2nd session January 10th 2024 February 1st 2024 February 9th 2024
3rd session March 13th 2024 April 4th 2024 April 12th 2024
4th session April 17th 2024 May 9th 2024 May 17th 2024
5th session May 15th 2024 June 6th 2024 June 14th 2024
6th session June 19th 2024 July 11th 2024 July 19th 2024


Postgraduate Studies Business Manager

Présentation de l'ENAC



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