Life at the ENAC is characterised by a rich associative life, in all areas. It allows for a wide range of activities and opportunities for students to get involved.
Discover all of the ENAC's associations:
Aeronautical and professional associations ///
Societal and humanitarian associations ///
The ENAC student association - Asso ENAC
ENAC student association - Asso ENAC
The “Asso” or student office is a non-profit organization which manages community life on school campus. It has a central and unifying role as it includes all ENAC courses and its committee, represents all students before the school management.
"Le foyer"/Events team
Le foyer is in charge of running themed evenings throughout the year, but also organizing the screening of rugby and football matches.
The Asso clubs :
- Cookery Club
- Cockpit Club
- "Echec & Nac” (Chess Club)
- Debating Club
- Astro Club
- ENAC Cheerleading
- Robotics Club
- Ping-Pong Club
- Play Club
- Football Club
- "4L Trophy"
- Badminton Club
- Dance Club
- Handball Club
- Chaplaincy
- Volleyball Club
- Parachute Club
- Rugby Club
- Rowing Club
- Glider Club
Aeronautical and professional societies
ENAC Light aircraft flying club
You can exercise your aerial talents at ENAC flying club located in Balma / Lasbordes, 15 minutes by car from ENAC. A flying course and refresher training for private pilots are available.
Air Expo
For over 25 years, the Air Expo airshow has been organized by ENAC and ISAE students. Featuring an aerial display and an exhibition on the ground, the organizers offer the general public an exceptional aeronautical spectacle.
EAG : European Aerostudent Games
For more than 60 years, students from ENAC and ISAE-Supaéro have been organising the European Aerostudent Games, the ISAE group's biggest event, bringing together more than 1,200 aeronautics students from member schools of the PEGASUS group (Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space UniversitieS), which comprises 25 schools in 9 European countries. A highlight of campus life, this sports competition is an opportunity for students to meet around shared values: sport and aeronautics, in an atmosphere that is both competitive and festive.
More information on EAG website ///
ENVOL (TAKE-OFF): ENAC Junior Enterprise
Junior Enterprise allows students to put into practice the theoretical teaching they receive at ENAC. They carry out studies which correspond to their areas of competence for very varied customers. ENVOL is mainly made up of students from the ENAC Engineering curriculum and enables students to get their first taste of the professional world.
Forum Toulouse Technologies (FTT - Toulouse Technologies Forum)
Forum Toulouse Technologies is a student-company meeting venue organized by 10 schools from the Toulouse region (including ENAC) for their students. It is intended for all scientific students from the second year of bachelor degrees (BAC + 2) to the final year of PhDs (BAC +8).
Forum Toulouse Technologies website ///
The association brings together ALL ENAC graduates.
It works to create bonds of friendship and help former students from the school's courses as required.
It publishes a directory, a basic networking item for each alumni or future alumni. The association holds regular information sessions at the school and offers true career management assistance. During the graduation ceremony, the association awards a prize to a 3rd year IENAC whose actions for the ENAC community have been particularly successful.
Sports Office (BDS)
A sports society run by physical education and sports teachers at ENAC.
In partnership with ENAC ASSO, this association offers a variety of activities and sports events:
- FNSU Sport
- Garona Cup
- ENAC XV Team
- Pink-Floyd (Women’s Rugby)
Patrick VALERO (ENAC Staff) ///
European Aerostudent Games (AEG) is a sports tournament which gathers students from the main French aeronautical schools every year, as well as students from European member universities of the PEGASUS network (Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities).
These aeronautical students meet and share common sporting and Olympic values.
President: Kevin HONORE (IENAC/14) ///
ENAC Olympic Games
Organization of an internal sports tournament for all ENAC students in July.
Ludivine BERTIN (TSA/13B)
Societal and humanitarian
"Elles Bougent"
The society was created in 2005 with the aim of promoting engineering and technical professions for young female students in school and university and enabling them to take practical steps towards engineering professions.
Read more
“Everyone needs a chance”
Humanitarian society to support education for young people in African countries.
FlyImpulse is the entrepreneurship club of ENAC. Its objective is to create a dynamic in favor of entrepreneurship and business creation.
See the Linkedin page
Léonard de Vinci
ENAC cultural society which organizes contemporary art exhibitions, shows, current music concerts, etc. throughout the school year.
Access to events is free to all students and staff from ENAC and open to the general public.
The society also organizes artistic workshops for ENAC students:
- Theatre Workshop, Improv theatre
- Improv Jazz music workshop
- Piano Workshop
- Popular music club
- Brass band
- Cinema Club