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Advanced Master in Aerospace Project Management

With the support of Aéroports de Paris and the most important French Airports

Content and objectives

Global Aerospace and Defence industry is being challenged by strong international competition and the effects of government budget reduction for defence. To meet these challenges, this industry needs to experiment, to adapt constantly new ways of organizing and managing. New development of product involves the collaboration of companies from many countries and cultures, with many key challenges: competitiveness, high technologies development, global supply chain approaches, long, costly and risky cycles, resources management, complex processes synchronization, and international team coordination.

ISAE, Ecole de l’Air and ENAC design this Advanced Master in Aerospace Project Management (MS APM) to enhance mastering of the diverse aspects related to the management of complex industrial processes with a strong awareness of the global Aerospace & Defence industry.  With an emphasis on operations, the program is designed to those beginning their career in management of projects or to professionals aiming at enhancing their competences for a fast career evolution.

The program of the MSAPM is taught, by experts or lecturers with extensive aerospace project experience, with a combination of formal presentations, in class exercises, or study cases. The objectives of this business-oriented approach are to provide students with up-to-date tools and techniques, cutting-edge knowledge, taking into account industrial, economical or legal specificities of the Aerospace & Defence industry.

Professional prospects and career opportunities

Successfully attending the MS APM demons trates that graduates possess pertinent skills for:

  • integrating or leading international project team,
  • applying this knowledge in workplace,
  • conceiving and piloting complex projects with permanent care of costs and risks control,
  • contributing of the value development in aerospace or defence companies & institutions.


Duration of course: October to September
This course is jointly run by ENAC, ISAE and École des Officiers de l’Armée de l'Air

1st semester

The comprehensive training program is organised into four teaching parts:

  • First part: Overall overview of aerospace industry (40 hours) The first part provides students with an in-depth overview of world-wide aeronautics and space industries enabling them to have an overall understanding of technologies, products, innovation and strategy stakes in the global civil and defence market.
  • Second part: Methodology (170 hours) This part leads to a good understanding of Project management tools (WBS, planning, requirements analysis, etc.). It also includes Models and Methods of Project management for Aerospace context with specificities for high stakes and long cycle programs.
  • Third part: Economical and Financial aspects (100 hours) This part leads to a good understanding of economical stakes for nations or industries and the role of politics.
    How to evaluate the cost of a long term program, the investment return hope, but also how to manage cost during development or manufacturing phase.
  • Fourth part: Knowledge management in multicultural environment  (170 hours) This part underlines the necessity to integrate and federate competences around a common objective; how to motivate people for a long term project. How to integrate intercultural management within international program to avoid conflicts and change resistance.
    In each of these parts the risks evaluation and control will be systematically underscored as well as Quality concepts and indicators dedicated to Aerospace context.

2nd semester

(April to September)

Students have to conduct a professional thesis in a professional environment or in laboratory, either in France or abroad and supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and by a professor from ENAC or ISAE. The thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and an oral presentation in front of combined jury.


Selection and admission to ENAC’s Masters and Advanced Masters at :

Selection and admission made by admission committees organized from February to July.


Course director:
Nicolas Peteilh (ENAC) : nicolas.peteilh@enac.fr
Philippe GIRARD (ISAE) : philippe.girard@isae.fr
Cdt Aymeric ROGER (école des Officiers de l’Armée de l’Air) : aymeric.roger@intradef.gouv.fr

Postgraduate Programmes Manager :
Michel Chauvin : michel.chauvin@enac.fr
+33 (0)5 62 17 46 71



Postgraduate Programmes Manager
Michel Chauvin

Présentation de l'ENAC



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