Meet Angèle, student of the ASAA Advanced Master

Publié le 08 avril 2024
Angèle ASAA

Meet Angèle, student of the ASAA Advanced Master (Aviation Safety: Aircaft Airworthiness).

His background

  • 2023 - 2024: Student of the Aircraft Safety and Aviation Airworthiness Advanced Master, ENAC - ISAE-SUPAERO
  • 2023: Graduate of EPF in Cachan – Aeronautics and Space Engineering / Apprenticeship in Safety and Security at Aéroports de Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle.

Why did you chose the ASAA Advanced Master?

Choosing the ASAA Advanced Master Advanced Master ASAA was driven by my interest in aircraft safety and airworthiness. This distinctive program, offered jointly by ENAC, ISAE-SUPAERO, and ÉCOLE DE L’AIR ET DE L’ESPACE, offers a comprehensive immersion dive into the critical realms of aviation safety and aircraft certification. The opportunity to explore in depth the standards, regulations, and technologies that uphold modern aviation was highly compelling.

Being part of a program that places utmost importance on meticulous standards and robust certifications in every aspect of aircraft operations is both inspiring and motivating because I think safe aircraft is first and foremost a well-certified and navigable aircraft.

Choosing the ASAA Advanced Master the Advanced Master ASAA was also a natural progression in my academic journey. My primary interest has always been in aviation safety and delving into the intricacies of aircraft certification and standards felt like a logical step forward. The ASAA program provides me with the opportunity to explore these foundational aspects of aviation safety in depth, aligning perfectly with my academic and professional aspirations. The collaborative environment further enhances the program's appeal, offering an inspiring platform to exchange ideas and insights with like-minded peers and industry experts and this program doesn’t only offers academic excellence but also practical insights into the intricacies of ensuring aviation safety and reliability.

What did the Advanced Master brought you? What are the main assets of the program?

The Advanced Master program has been a transformative experience, enriching me with a wealth of skills, opportunities, and a robust professional network. One of the key assets of the program lies in its well-rounded curriculum, which enabled me specialized skills in aircraft safety and airworthiness. From understanding regulatory frameworks to delving into cutting-edge technologies, the program provided a holistic view of the aviation industry.

Moreover, the program offered opportunities for practical application and hands-on experience. Engaging in real-world projects and case studies enabled me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, honing my problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills.

“Another significant asset of the program is its emphasis on building a strong professional network. Interacting with faculty members, industry experts, and fellow students provided me with insights and perspectives from diverse backgrounds. These connections not only broadened my understanding of the field but also opened doors to various career opportunities and collaborations."

The completion of this program resulted in securing a full-time position at Dassault Aviation. This accomplishment not only validates the effectiveness of the program but also emphasizes the practical insights gained into ensuring aviation safety and reliability.

How is student life in Toulouse and the campus?

Student life in Toulouse is characterized by its dynamic cultural environment, many outdoor activities, sports facilities, and proximity to the aerospace industry, making it an attractive and enriching environment for students.

Moreover, Toulouse's status as a hub for aerospace companies and research institutions offers students with unique opportunities for internships, research projects, and networking within the industry. The proximity to major aerospace players allows us to gain valuable insights and experiences relevant to our studies and future careers.

ENAC and ISAE-SUPAERO campuses have their own sports facilities and clubs, catering to a variety of interests and skill levels and they also organize a wide range of events.

The diversity of students on the campuses of ENAC and SUPAERO is reflected in every aspect of student life. This cultural and academic richness not only fosters social interactions but also enriches our academic and professional experiences.

What are your professional objectives for the coming years?

Looking ahead, my professional objectives are guided by my commitment to enhance aviation safety and advance aerospace technology. Joining Dassault Aviation after completing my specialized degree, I am eager to contribute to the certification and development of cutting-edge military aircraft. I aspire to actively participate in the evolution of sixth-generation military aircraft technology, leveraging my skills to drive innovation in this field.

In the short term, I aim to immerse myself in aircraft certification processes and regulatory standards, ensuring the safety and reliability of next-generation aircraft. I aim to make significant contributions to aerospace capabilities and the defense sector.

Long term, I envision assuming leadership roles where I can influence strategic decisions and shape the future of aerospace technology. I intend to leverage the knowledge gained throughout my studies, particularly what I have learned this year, to achieve these ambitious objectives. My goals aim to foster a culture of innovation, safety, and sustainability within the aerospace industry, ultimately contributing to a safer and more technologically advanced aviation landscape.



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