Meet Maxime, alumni of the ASAA Advanced Master

Publié le 23 avril 2024

Maxime, alumni of the ASAA Advanced Master, currently employed as a Airworthiness Expert at the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), tells us about his career path, and the main assets of the Advanced Master program.

His background

Academic background

  • 2021 – Advanced Master - Aviation Safety: Aircraft Airworthiness, ISAE-SUPAERO & ENAC, Toulouse, France
  • 2020 – Master - Engineering and Maintenance of Systems for Aeronautics and Transport (IMSAT), University of Bordeaux, France

Professional background

  • 2022-Today – Airworthiness Expert, European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Cologne, Germany
  • 2021-2022 – Airworthiness & Certification Officer, AURA AERO, Toulouse, France
  • 2018-2020 – Apprentice MSG-3 Systems specialist, ATR, Toulouse, France

Why did you chose the ASAA Advanced Master?

Before I chose to join the ASAA Advanced Master, I had only been briefly introduced to airworthiness. However, it captured my curiosity, as its purpose is to ensure the safety of air operations.

Therefore, the ASAA Advanced Master corresponded to my objectives and seemed ideal for learning new things, developing my skills and knowledge, and gaining confidence before entering the job market.

Also, the offered approach was optimal, with courses led by aviation experts and professionals to be then put into practice through a professional thesis or internship. Finally, another strength of the ASAA Advanced Master was the opportunity to meet other international students, each with a different background and experiences to share.

What did the Advanced Master brought you? What are the main assets of the program?

For me, one of the main assets of the ASAA Advanced Master is the complete coverage of aircraft certification. Indeed, it reviews the interactions between the certification authority and the aircraft designer. These activities lead to demonstrating the compliance of his product with the applicable regulations.

At the same time, there was an emphasis on studying aircraft systems, including propulsion, structures, flight performances and other design considerations, including emerging technologies, such as those relating to electric propulsion.

Numerous other airworthiness subjects were covered in depth, such as organization approvals for design, production and maintenance, as well as continuing airworthiness management, all of which play an essential role in the safe operation of aircraft.

Thanks to continuous assessment and various group application projects, learning has been easy and interesting throughout the program, providing new skills and encouraging collaborative work with other students.

Additionally, it allows students to meet aviation professionals with real-life experience who can support them in their field of expertise. Students can also benefit from the advice and opportunities offered by the programme alumni.

“The internship rounds off the course, allowing students to gain professional experience while expanding their network. ENAC and ISAE-SUPAERO's excellent reputations are also a major asset to student's profiles when looking for an internship or a job in the industry."

The diversity of the technical solutions and processes linked to aircraft airworthiness makes working in this domain very fulfilling and requires proactiveness daily.

How is student life in Toulouse? On campus?

The overall experience at ENAC and ISAE-SUPAERO was great! The campus is convenient, offers diversified activities, and gathers students from all backgrounds who share a passion for aerospace and aviation.

“Thanks to its ecosystem of companies, museums and other cultural activities, Toulouse is the "place to be" for any aerospace enthusiast. It is also a great city to live in, with its fair share of places to explore and hang out along a very active student life."

It is also well located, at the crossroads of the Pyrenees mountains, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, which are all easily accessible.

What is your job today?

Today, I am an Airworthiness Expert at the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Cologne, Germany. My assignments relate to the continuing airworthiness of aircraft (including UAS), products, and parts.

“My core task is to carry out rulemaking activities to elaborate or amend the European Union regulations that govern the people and organizations ensuring that aircraft remain safe for operation through maintenance and continuing airworthiness management."

With colleagues having extensive experience, my job allows me to solve issues, improve the level of safety, and shape the future of this domain through various action areas, such as process digitalization or the planned integration of artificial intelligence.

It also includes other safety-oriented projects involving diverse stakeholders, from European national aviation authorities to research entities or experts. Harmonization is also key when applicable, whether with ICAO or foreign authorities (e.g. FAA, ANAC Brazil, Transport Canada, etc.)

Developing further the framework for continuing airworthiness and making an impact through my decisions has been highly gratifying.



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