Save the date! Join our webinars in March!

Publié le 01 mars 2023

We invite you to participate to our webinars to discover some of our Master’s and Advanced Master’s programmes.
Webinars are a great way to interact with the course directors, experts and alumni!
They will provide you with information about academic courses, exams, and cover a wide range of subjects to help you develop your career.

March, 6th  01:00 pm to 02:00 pm, MSc International Air Transport System Engineering and Design with :
-    Professor Mathieu Magnaudet. 
-    Mr Daniel Prun, Associate Professor in System Engineering.
-    Mrs Celia Picard, Associate Professor in Computer Science.
-    Anuhya Sirobhushanam, alumni of the program, Flight Warning System Designer at Akkodis.

Register here : Webinar Master IATSED


March 8th, 10:00 am to 11:00 am, Online Executive Advanced Master in Airline Management with :
-    Mr Michaël Benahamed, Head of Division Airworthiness, Operation and Maintenance.
-    Mr Michel Chauvin, Business Development Manager 

Register here : Webinar MS ALM


March 9th, 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm, Advanced Master in Aviation Safety Aircraft Airworthiness with :
-    Mr Jean-François Petit, Airworthiness Expert at ENAC, 
-    Mr Joël Jézegou, Aeronautical Systems Maintenance, Airworthiness & Operations Professor at ISAE-SUPAERO. 
-    Capt Vincent Martin, Aviation Systems Officer at Ecole de l’Air et de l’Espace.

Register here : Webinar MS ASAA


March 21st, 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm, Advanced Master in Airport Management with :
-    Professor Vincent Vimard.
-    Professor Nicolas Lamballe.
-    Faustine Colle, alumni of the program, Airport Operations Duty Manager at Groupe ADP.
-    Mohamad Al Fakir, alumni of the program.

Register here : Webinar MS AM


Let your career take off!

Stay Tuned and enjoy the Sessions!


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